17 Days to Goal!

With 17 days left in the Kickstarter campaign to go, the push is on (as it’s been all along). My level of pledges is nowhere near where I’d expected it to be at this point, but that’s just incentive to push harder! I’ve been posting anywhere & everywhere I can think of…emailing family & friends….and posting on various forums trying to generate interest, and ultimately, some more pledges. Now I understand why PBS is running a constent fundraiser…although people are interested in seeing the film that doesn’t mean they want to help get it made. I have to admit, I watch PBS quite a bit and only pledge about once a year.  I have to find a way to break-through and get those pledges.

If anyone has some ideas…..I’d love to hear them…please post them here as a comment on this post.

Back to the grind! ….and remember, if you’re reading this, please “Post & Pass” the link and lets get the word out in cyberville!
