Last week was a good one, but a LONG one. Thursday I packed up the gear and headed down to Stamford, CT to shoot an interview with Brian Tichy. Brian is not only drumming with Foreigner but is a true speed bag addict! What a great time I had and I think I got a lot of good insight from Brian…and some good ‘out takes’ too!
Friday, it was back down to the Newburgh/Poughkeepsie area to interview G-Town and JUXT for the afternoon. Again, great guys, both with some good stories to tell. We’re already planning a baggin’ get-together soon.
After all that travel, I was looking forward to being able to sleep in on Saturday…but my expecting daughter had other plan and gave birth to a beautiful girl at 4:30am (so much for the sleeping in). So as my personal family grows….so does my speed bag addicted family!
Stay tuned as the journey continues to get to the “Art of the Bag”…